Veterans / Military Students
Black Hawk College welcomes veterans and military students. 我们很自豪能够包容军人和退伍军人,并建立了我们自己的退伍军人资源中心.
Veterans Resource Center
太阳城集团博彩为退伍军人和现役军人学生和雇员提供一个放松的地方, network, study and find resources to help them transition into college and careers.
Thanks to a BHC Foundation grant, 它还提供许多艺术用品,让退伍军人和军人学生创造性地表达自己.
The center has a break room with almost all the comforts of home – a quiet room, space for studying, having lunch or coffee with others, meetings and recreation, 还有一个由退伍军人和协调员组成的办公室,负责回答问题和转介.
More To Explore
We are thrilled that you are interested in Black Hawk College, and we look forward to guiding you through your academic journey.
Our student-athletes and coaches bring their passion and teamwork to every game.
Not an athlete? We love our BHC fans. 一起,我们可以创造一个充满学校精神的大学体验,无论是在场上还是场外.
Student Life
Get involved and make new friends with one of our many clubs and organizations.
Veterans Resource Center
Quad-Cities Campus
Building 4, Room 117
Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Other hours as needed
East Campus
to do contact information for EC